Grey Bag
- 1/2 inch socket for adjusting cat frame and SOTAR seat
- 7/16, 9/16, ½ end wrenches
- Allen Wrench set (metric and standard)
- Channel locks
- Crescent wrench
- Hammer
- Needle nose pliers
- Pipe wrench
- Pliers
- Putty knife
- Scissors
- Screwdriver (4-way)
- Tape measure
- Vice grips (large and small)
Green Ammo Can
- 303 Protectant
- 5 minute epoxy
- All thread
- Axe
- Duct tape
- Extra valves (long and short)
- Flash Light
- Frame assembly pins
- Gloves
- Hacksaw
- Hose clamps
- Large U-bolts (4)
- JB Weld
- Razor Blade
- M.E.K.
- Matches
- Material (Lexatron)
- Mixing cans
- Nylon cord
- Oar Locks (2)
- Oar stirrups
- Paint brush (Several Sizes)
- Plastic ties
- PVC sleeve for thole pin
- Rags
- Scotch pads
- Sharpie Pens
- SOTAR glue
- Spare PRV
- Super Glue
- Tear-aid
- Thole pin caps (2)
- Valve caps
- Valve wrench
- Water Proof Grease
- WD 40
- Wood Saw